In de kijker

Hazardhous Heritage: programma en inschrijvingen

Gepubliceerd op 24/08/2023
Foto: Gevaarlijk erfgoed kan verschillende vormen aannemen in collecties! (bron: FARO/IM)

Op 23 en 24 oktober organiseert ARCHES (UAntwerpen) in samenwerking met onder meer ETWIE een tweedaags congres over gevaarlijk erfgoed waar zowel praktijkgericht als meer academisch onderzoek wordt voorgesteld. Het volledige programma en de inschrijvingen zijn ondertussen geopend. Opgelet: de voertaal van het congres is Engels.


Hazardous materials were frequently used in heritage (objects, sites and buildings) in the past, both as applications inherent to the heritage (e.g. fireproof asbestos textile) or during restoration and conservation treatments (e.g. pesticides to treat wood against insects). Today, many of these objects have found a second life in heritage institutions and collections, and buildings and sites are opened to a wider public. Although there is increasing awareness of the harmfulness of these materials and substances, this heritage poses a challenge to museum and heritage professionals.

On the one hand, there is the uttermost important need to develop measures to be taken in order to ensure their safe storage, handling and display. In this way, not only museum staff are protected, but also the wider public. This includes also ethical questions concerning the extent to which museums and heritage sites are providing appropriate training and information to their staff and visitors. On the other hand, there is a lack of theoretical research on the heritage values which different stakeholders, such as heritage communities and museum professionals, attach to cultural heritage that contains hazardous material. There is a need for a theoretical framework answering the question of whether it is appropriate to remove harmful materials, as they are also part of the heritage itself, its history and significance.

By combining these two areas of research - focusing on technical aspects, ethical issues, management and heritage values - thoughtful conservation and preservation (in the future) is ensured. These questions apply to various harmful materials, such as pesticides, toxic substances, asbestos, and radioactive materials. Answers to these questions and how we should deal with this hazardous heritage may differ depending on the nature of the dangerous material, but it is highly necessary to conduct further research on these issues and to exchange knowledge between different researchers with varying research objectives.


Het volledige programma met korte inhoud van elke presentatie is terug te vinden op de website van de UAntwerpen.


  • Locatie: Hof van Liere, Stadscampus UAntwerpen, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen.

  • Je kan het congres ter plekke (20 euro per dag) of hybride (10 euro per dag) volgen.

  • Inschrijven kan je via deze link van de universiteit.

  • Partners: UAntwerpen, ETWIE, Universiteit van Helsinki, Fins Instituut voor Gezondheid op het Werk, Universiteit Gent, met de steun van de Vlaamse overheid.